We have organized, annotated, and cleaned up the code for our published Michigan-Style Learning Classifier System implementations. EK_AF_UCS stands for Expert Knowledge and Attribute Feedback Supervised Classifier System. The above code was utilized in the following publications:
- Urbanowicz, R., Andrew, A., Karagas, M., Moore, J. Role of genetic heterogeneity and epistasis in bladder cancer susceptibility and outcome: a learning classifier system approach. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 20:4, 603-612, 2013
- Urbanowicz, R., Granizo-Mackenzie, D., Moore, J. Using expert knowledge to guide covering and mutation in a michigan style learning classifier system to detect epistasis and heterogeneity. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature-PPSN XII. Springer. 266-275, 2012