cGA, Parallelism, Processes, and Erlang

Back in Fall 2006 I was lucky to be at the right place, at the right time. Kumara Sastry and David E. Goldberg were working to pulverize some preconceptions about how far you could scale genetic algorithms. As I said,

Back in Fall 2006 I was lucky to be at the right place, at the right time. Kumara Sastry and David E. Goldberg were working to pulverize some preconceptions about how far you could scale genetic algorithms. As I said, I was lucky I could help the best I could. It turned out that the answer was pretty simple, as far as you want. The key to that result was, again, built on Georges Harik’s compact genetic algorithm. The results were published on a paper titled Toward routine billion-variable optimization using genetic algorithms if you are curious.

Anyway, back on track. A few days ago, I was playing with Erlang and I coded, just for fun, yet another cGA implementation, now in Erlang. The code was pretty straight forward, so why not take another crack at it and write an Erlang version that uses some of the ideas we used on that paper.

The idea we used on the paper was simple. Slice the probabilistic model into smaller segments and update all those model fragments in parallel. The only caveat, if you go over the cGA model, is that you need the evaluation of two individuals to decide which way to update the model. Also, you need to know when to stop, or when your global model has converged. The flow is pretty simple:

  1. Sample in parallel two individuals.
  2. Compute the partial evaluation (in the example below the beloved OneMax).
  3. Emit the partial evaluations.
  4. Collect the partial evaluation, and compute the final fitness.
  5. Rebroadcast the final evaluation to all model fragments.
  6. With the final evaluations at hand, just update the model fragments.
  7. Compute if the local fragment of the model has converged and emit the outcome.
  8. With all the partial convergence checks, decide if the global model has globally converged.
  9. If the global model has not converged, continue to (1).

The implementation below is quite rough. It could be cleaned up using functional interfaces to hide all the message passing between processes, but you get the picture. Also, if you look at the implementation below, you may find that the way global fitness and convergence are computed have only one process serializing each those request. You may remember Amdhal’s law, not a big problem with a few thousand model fragments, but as you scale up you are going to eventually have to worry about. For instance, you could improve it, for instance, by using a broadcast tree. Anyway, let’s put all those a side for now, and do a simple implementation to get the ball rolling.

-export([one_max/1, cga/6, accumulator/4, has_converged/3, cga_loop/8, time/4]).
 % Accumulates the partial evaluations.
accumulator(Pids, Values1, Values2, Groups) when length(Pids) == Groups ->
  Acc1 = lists:sum(Values1),
  Acc2 = lists:sum(Values2),
  lists:map(fun(P) -> P ! {final_eval, Acc1, Acc2} end, Pids),
  accumulator([], [], [], Groups);
accumulator(Pids, Values1, Values2, Groups) when length(Pids) < Groups ->
    {eval, Pid,	Value1, Value2} ->
        accumulator([Pid | Pids], [Value1 | Values1], [Value2 | Values2], Groups);
    stop -> ok

% Convergence checker.
has_converged(Pids, Votes, Groups) when length(Pids) == Groups ->
  FinalVote = lists:sum(Votes),
  lists:map(fun(P) -> P ! {final_converged, FinalVote == Groups} end, Pids),
  has_converged([], [], Groups);
has_converged(Pids, Votes, Groups) when length(Pids) < Groups ->
    {converged, Pid, Vote} ->
      has_converged([Pid | Pids], [Vote | Votes], Groups);
    stop -> ok

% OneMax function.
one_max(String) -> lists:sum(String).
% Generates random strings of length N given a Model.
random_string(Model) ->
  lists:map(fun (P) -> case random:uniform() < P of true -> 1; _ -> 0 end end,
% Generates a random population of size Size and strings of length N.
initial_model(N) -> repeat(N, 0.5, []).
% Given a pair of evaluated strings, returns the update values.
update({_, Fit}, {_, Fit}, N, _) ->
  repeat(N, 0, []);
update({Str1, Fit1}, {Str2, Fit2}, _, Size) ->
  lists:map(fun ({Gene, Gene}) -> 0;
                ({Gene1, _}) when Fit1 > Fit2 -> ((Gene1 * 2) - 1) / Size;
                ({_, Gene2}) when Fit1 < Fit2 -> ((Gene2 * 2) - 1) / Size
            lists:zip(Str1, Str2)).

% Check if the model has converged.
converged(Model, Tolerance) ->
  lists:all(fun (P) -> (P < Tolerance) or (P > 1 - Tolerance) end, Model).

% The main cGA loop.
cga(N, GroupSize, Groups, Fun, Tolerance, Print) 
  when N > 0, GroupSize > 0, Groups > 0, Tolerance > 0, Tolerance < 0.5 ->
  Acc = spawn(pcga, accumulator, [[], [], [], Groups]),
  Con = spawn(pcga, has_converged, [[], [], Groups]),
    fun(_) ->
      spawn(pcga, cga_loop, 
            [N, GroupSize, Fun, initial_model(GroupSize), Tolerance, Acc, Con, Print])
    repeat(Groups, 1, [])).
cga_loop(N, Size, Fitness, Model, Tolerance, Acc, Con, Print) ->
  [{Str1, P1}, {Str2, P2} | _] = lists:map(
    fun (_) -> Str = random_string(Model), {Str, Fitness(Str)} end,
  Acc ! {eval, self(), P1, P2},
    {final_eval, FF1, FF2} ->
      NewModel = lists:map(fun ({M, U}) -> M + U end,
      lists:zip(Model, update({Str1, FF1}, {Str2, FF2}, Size, Size))),
      case converged(NewModel, Tolerance) of
        true -> Con ! {converged, self(), 1};
        false ->  Con ! {converged, self(), 0}
        {final_converged, true} -> 
          case Print of 
            true -> io:fwrite("~p\n", [NewModel]);
            _ -> true
          Acc ! Con ! stop;
        {final_converged, false} -> 
          cga_loop(N, Size, Fitness, NewModel, Tolerance, Acc, Con, Print)

The code above allows you to decide how many model fragments (Groups) you are going to create. Each fragment is assigned to a process. Each fragment has GroupSize variable of the model and N is the population size. A simple example on how to run the code:

pcga:cga(50000, 500, 10, fun pcga:one_max/1, 0.01, true).

The model will contain 50,000 variables split into 10 process each of each containing a fragment of 50 variables. I guess now the only thing left is measure how this scales.

Yet Another cGA Implementation, Now in Erlang.

Wanna have some Sunday afternoon fun? Just refresh your Erlang skills. Since this is me having fun, what better way to do so than to write yet another implementation of the compact Genetic Algorithm originally (cGA) proposed by Georges Harik?

Wanna have some Sunday afternoon fun? Just refresh your Erlang skills. Since this is me having fun, what better way to do so than to write yet another implementation of the compact Genetic Algorithm originally (cGA) proposed by Georges Harik?

I am going to skip describing the original algorithm and focus a bit on how to implement it in Erlang instead. You can find some nice books elsewhere and more information on the Erlang site. Erlang is an interesting mix of functional and logic programming languages. If you ever wrote code in ProLog, Erlang is going to look familiar. It will also look familiar if you are coming from Haskell, although, being Erlang a dynamically typed language, you will miss the type system and inference. Nevertheless, give it a chance. It concurrent model is worthwhile reading about. I will it for further posts thought.

Anyway, without further preamble, let’s dive into a naïve implementation of cGA in Erlang. Lists are an integral part of Erlang, hence it seems obvious that individuals could be represented by a list of integers. Under this representation, OneMax is trivial to implement by summing all the elements of the list defining an individual. Following this train of thought, the probabilistic model could also be represented by a simple list of floats (each entry representing the probability of 1 for a given locus).

Given the above description, a cGA implementation would just require: (1) an individual constructor based on sampling the current probabilistic model, (2) a function that given two evaluated individuals compute the model update, and (3) a function to check if the probabilistic model has converged. Once these basic functions are available, writing a cGA boils down to sampling two individuals, compute the updates required based on the evaluated individuals, and update the probabilistic model. This process should be repeated until the model has converged. The Erlang code below shows a possible implementation of such an approach.

% Naive implementation of the compact Genetic Algorithm in Erlang.
-export([one_max/1, cga/4]).

% OneMax function.
one_max(String) -> lists:sum(String).

% Generates random strings of length N given a Model.
random_string(Model) ->
  lists:map(fun (P) -> case random:uniform() < P of true -> 1; _ -> 0 end end,

% Generates a random population of size Size and strings of length N.
initial_model(N) -> repeat(N, 0.5, []).

% Given a pair of evaluated strings, returns the update values.
update({_, Fit}, {_, Fit}, N, _) ->
  repeat(N, 0, []);
update({Str1, Fit1}, {Str2, Fit2}, _, Size) ->
  lists:map(fun ({Gene, Gene}) -> 0;
                ({Gene1, _}) when Fit1 > Fit2 -> ((Gene1 * 2) - 1) / Size;
                ({_, Gene2}) when Fit1 < Fit2 -> ((Gene2 * 2) - 1) / Size
            lists:zip(Str1, Str2)).

% Check if the model has converged.
converged(Model, Tolerance) ->
  lists:all(fun (P) -> (P < Tolerance) or (P > 1 - Tolerance) end, Model).

% The main cGA loop.
cga(N, Size, Fun, Tolerance) when N > 0, Size > 0, Tolerance > 0, Tolerance < 0.5 ->
  cga_loop(N, Size, Fun, initial_model(N), Tolerance).

cga_loop(N, Size, Fitness, Model, Tolerance) ->
  case converged(Model, Tolerance) of
    true ->
    false ->
      [P1, P2 | _] = lists:map(
        fun (_) -> Str = random_string(Model), {Str, Fitness(Str)} end,
      cga_loop(N, Size, Fitness,
               lists:map(fun ({M, U}) -> M + U end,
                         lists:zip(Model, update(P1, P2, N, Size))),

% Creates a list of Size repeating Value.
repeat(0, _, Update) -> Update;
repeat(N, Value, Update) -> repeat(N - 1, Value, [Value | Update]).

You can run this code by pasting it into a file named cga.erl. Use the Erlang shell to compile and run cGA as shown below (once you start the Erlang shell via $erl).

1> c(cga).
{ok, cga.}
2> cga:cga(3, 30, fun cga:one_max/1, 0.01).
[0.999, 0.989, 0.098]

A couple of interesting considerations. Compiling and loading code in Erlang support hot code replacement without stopping a running production system. Obviously this property it is not critical for the cGA exercise, but it is an interesting property nonetheless. Another one is that functions, due to its functional programming ancestry, are first class citizens you can pass around. That means that the current implementation done supports you passing arbitrary fitness functions without having to change anything on the cGA implementation.

Finally, I mentioned that this is a naïve implementation to refresh my rusty Erlang syntax. You may want to spent some time profiling this implementation to see how to improve it. Also, you may want to start thinking on how we could take advantage of the concurrency model in Erlang to build a not-so-naive implementation of cGA.

Meandre is going Scala

After quite a bit of experimenting with different alternatives, Meandre is moving into Scala. Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. This is not a radical process, but a gradual one while I am starting to revisit the infrastructure for the next […]

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  2. Meandre: Semantic-Driven Data-Intensive Flow Engine
  3. Meandre Infrastructure 1.4 RC1 tagged

After quite a bit of experimenting with different alternatives, Meandre is moving into Scala. Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. This is not a radical process, but a gradual one while I am starting to revisit the infrastructure for the next major release. Scala also generates code for the JVM making mix and match trivial. I started fuzzing around with Scala back when I started the development of Meandre during the summer of 2007, however I did fall back to Java since that was what most of the people in the group was comfortable with. I was fascinated with Scala fusion of object oriented programming and functional programming. Time went by and the codebase has grown to a point that I cannot stand anymore cutting through the weeds of Java when I have to extend the infrastructure or do bug fixing—not to mention its verbosity even for writing trivial code.

This summer I decided to go on a quest to get me out of the woods. I do not mind relying on the JVM and the large collection of libraries available, but I would also like to get my sanity back. Yes, I tested some of the usual suspects for the JVM (Jython, JRuby, Clojure, and Groovy) but not quite what I wanted. For instance, I wrote most of the Meandre infrastructure services using Jython (much more concise than Java), but still not quite happy to jump on that boat. Clojure is also interesting (functional programming) but it would be hard to justify for the group to move into it since not everybody may feel comfortable with a pure functional language. I also toyed with some not-so-usual ones like Erlang and Haskell, but again, I ended up with no real argument that could justify such a decision.

So, as I started doing back in 2007, I went back to my original idea of using Scala and its mixed object-oriented- and functional-programming- paradigm. To test it seriously, I started developing the distributed execution engine for Meandre in Scala using its Earlang-inspired actors. And, boom, suddenly I found myself spending more time thinking that writing/debugging threaded/networking code :D . Yes, I regret my 2007 decision instead of running with my original intuition, but better late than never. With a working seed of the distributed engine working and tested (did I mention that scalacheck and specs are really powerful tools for behavior driven development?), I finally decided to start gravitating the Meandre infrastructure development effort from Java to Scala—did I mention that Scala is Martin Odersky’s child? Yes, such a decision has some impact on my colleagues, but I envision that the benefits will eventually weight out the initial resistance and step learning curve. At least, the last two group meetings nobody jumped off the window while presenting the key elements of Scala, and demonstrating how concise and elegant it made the first working seed of the distributed execution engine :D . We even got in discussions about the benefits of using Scala if it delivered everything I showed. I am lucky to work with such smart guys. If you want to take a peek at the distributed execution engine (a.k.a. Snowfield) at SEASR’s Fisheye.

Oh, one last thing. Are you using Atlassian’s Fisheye? Do you want syntax highlighting for Scala? I tweaked the Java definitions to make it highlight Scala code. Remember to drop the scala.def file on $FISHEYE_HOME/syntax directory add an entry on the to make it highlight anything with extension .scala.

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  1. Fast REST API prototyping with Crochet and Scala
  2. Meandre: Semantic-Driven Data-Intensive Flow Engine
  3. Meandre Infrastructure 1.4 RC1 tagged