After a first-rate opening in May with the talk given by Prof. Cirac, the 27th edition of the Universitat d’Estiu d’Andorra officially starts today, Aug, 30 with a promising agenda: 6:00 pm: Equilibri climàtic del planeta Terra (Climate balance on planet Earth), presented by Josefina Castellví Piulachs, oceanographer specialized in marine bacteriology (Barcelona). 7:30 pm: […]
After a first-rate opening in May with the talk given by Prof. Cirac, the 27th edition of the Universitat d’Estiu d’Andorra officially starts today, Aug, 30 with a promising agenda:
6:00 pm: Equilibri climàtic del planeta Terra (Climate balance on planet Earth), presented by Josefina Castellví Piulachs, oceanographer specialized in marine bacteriology (Barcelona).
7:30 pm: La bellesa és dins el cervell? (Is beauty in the mind?), presented by Jean-Pierre Changeux, doctor in biology and pioneer of modern neurobiology (Paris).
For five days, Andorra will offer, under the interesting title Del cosmos a l’àtom passant per la vida, a series of talks focussed on science and society.