In this optimizer, an evaluation index, which can decide the importance of individual in the current population, is developed
to accelerate population division; the niching-like proliferation scheme is introduced to strengthen the diversity of population.
Thereafter, those diverse antibodies, with the help of immune evolution operations, evolve their structures along different
directions. Theoretical results show that such optimization system is convergent with low computational complexity. Experimentally,
one such optimizer is sufficiently examined by a suite of single and multi-objective test problems. Comparative experiments
illustrate that the optimizer with some striking characteristics is a potentially alternative optimization tool for constrained
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Research Paper
- Pages 1-16
- DOI 10.1007/s12065-011-0064-1
- Authors
- Zhuhong Zhang, Institute of System Science and Information Technology, College of Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang, 550025 Guizhou, People’s Republic of China
- Journal Evolutionary Intelligence
- Online ISSN 1864-5917
- Print ISSN 1864-5909