a limited capacity, with the aim of extending the lifetime of WSNs and making the exploitation of WSNs appealing, a lot of
research has been devoted to save energy. Although a number of factors contribute to power consumption, radio communication
has been generally considered its main cause and thus most of the techniques proposed for energy saving have mainly focused
on limiting transmission/reception of data, for instance, through data compression. As sensor nodes are equipped with limited
computational and storage resources, enabling compression requires to develop purposely-designed algorithms. To this aim,
we propose an approach to generate lossy compressors to be deployed on single nodes based on a differential pulse code modulation
scheme with quantization of the differences between consecutive samples. The quantization levels and thresholds, which allow
achieving different trade-offs between compression performance and information loss, are determined by a two-objective evolutionary
algorithm. We tested our approach on four datasets collected by real WSN deployments. We show that the lossy compressors generated
by our approach can achieve significant compression ratios despite negligible reconstruction errors and outperform LTC, a
lossy compression algorithm purposely designed to be embedded in sensor nodes.
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/s12065-010-0044-x
- Authors
- Francesco Marcelloni, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa, Via Diotisalvi 2, 56122 Pisa, Italy
- Massimo Vecchio, Signal Theory and Communications Department, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
- Journal Evolutionary Intelligence
- Online ISSN 1864-5917
- Print ISSN 1864-5909
- Journal Volume Volume 3
- Journal Issue Volume 3, Numbers 3-4