IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Publication Information
Statistical Models for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms With Benchmark Functions
Frequentist statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, are standard practices in studies that provide benchmark comparisons. Unfortunately, these methods have often been misused, e.g., without testing for their statistical test assumptions or wit…
Frequentist statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, are standard practices in studies that provide benchmark comparisons. Unfortunately, these methods have often been misused, e.g., without testing for their statistical test assumptions or without controlling for familywise errors in multiple group comparisons, among several other problems. Bayesian data analysis (BDA) addresses many of the previously mentioned shortcomings but its use is not widely spread in the analysis of empirical data in the evolutionary computing community. This article provides three main contributions. First, we motivate the need for utilizing BDA and provide an overview of this topic. Second, we discuss the practical aspects of BDA to ensure that our models are valid and the results are transparent. Finally, we provide five statistical models that can be used to answer multiple research questions. The online Appendix provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform the analysis of the models discussed in this article, including the code for the statistical models, the data transformations, and the discussed tables and figures.
Statistical Models for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms With Benchmark Functions
Frequentist statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, are standard practices in studies that provide benchmark comparisons. Unfortunately, these methods have often been misused, e.g., without testing for their statistical test assumptions or wit…
Frequentist statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, are standard practices in studies that provide benchmark comparisons. Unfortunately, these methods have often been misused, e.g., without testing for their statistical test assumptions or without controlling for familywise errors in multiple group comparisons, among several other problems. Bayesian data analysis (BDA) addresses many of the previously mentioned shortcomings but its use is not widely spread in the analysis of empirical data in the evolutionary computing community. This article provides three main contributions. First, we motivate the need for utilizing BDA and provide an overview of this topic. Second, we discuss the practical aspects of BDA to ensure that our models are valid and the results are transparent. Finally, we provide five statistical models that can be used to answer multiple research questions. The online Appendix provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform the analysis of the models discussed in this article, including the code for the statistical models, the data transformations, and the discussed tables and figures.
A Divide-and-Conquer Genetic Programming Algorithm With Ensembles for Image Classification
Genetic programming (GP) has been applied to feature learning in image classification and achieved promising results. However, one major limitation of existing GP-based methods is the high computational cost, which may limit their applications on large…
Genetic programming (GP) has been applied to feature learning in image classification and achieved promising results. However, one major limitation of existing GP-based methods is the high computational cost, which may limit their applications on large-scale image classification tasks. To address this, this article develops a divide-and-conquer GP algorithm with knowledge transfer (KT) and ensembles to achieve fast feature learning in image classification. In the new algorithm framework, a divide-and-conquer strategy is employed to split the training data and the population into small subsets or groups to reduce computational time. A new KT method is proposed to improve GP learning performance. A new fitness function based on log loss and a new ensemble formulation strategy are developed to build an effective ensemble for image classification. The performance of the proposed approach has been examined on 12 image classification datasets of varying difficulty. The results show that the new approach achieves better classification performance in significantly less computation time than the baseline GP-based algorithm. The comparisons with state-of-the-art algorithms show that the new approach achieves better or comparable performance in almost all the comparisons. Further analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of ensemble formulation and KT in the proposed approach.