Investigating the Correlation Amongst the Objective and Constraints in Gaussian Process-Assisted Highly Constrained Expensive Optimization

Expensive constrained optimization refers to problems where the calculation of the objective and/or constraint functions are computationally intensive due to the involvement of complex physical experiments or numerical simulations. Such expensive probl…

Expensive constrained optimization refers to problems where the calculation of the objective and/or constraint functions are computationally intensive due to the involvement of complex physical experiments or numerical simulations. Such expensive problems can be addressed by Gaussian process-assisted evolutionary algorithms. In many problems, the (single) objective and constraints are correlated to some extent. Unfortunately, existing works based on the Gaussian process for expensive constrained optimization treat the objective and multiple constraints as being statistically independent, typically for the ease of computation. To fill this gap, this article investigates the correlation among the objective and constraints. To be specific, we model the correlation amongst the objective and constraint functions using a multitask Gaussian process prior, and then mathematically derive a constrained expected improvement acquisition function that allows the correlation among the objective and constraints. The correlation between the objective and constraints can be captured and leveraged during the optimization process. The performance of the proposed method is examined on a set of benchmark problems and a real-world antenna design problem. On problems with high correlation amongst the objective and constraints, the experimental results show that leveraging the correlation yields improvements in both the optimization speed and the constraint-handling ability compared with the method that assumes the objective and constraints are statistically independent.

An Enhanced Competitive Swarm Optimizer With Strongly Convex Sparse Operator for Large-Scale Multiobjective Optimization

Sparse multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) have become increasingly important in many applications in recent years, e.g., the search for lightweight deep neural networks and high-dimensional feature selection. However, little attention has been…

Sparse multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) have become increasingly important in many applications in recent years, e.g., the search for lightweight deep neural networks and high-dimensional feature selection. However, little attention has been paid to sparse large-scale MOPs, whose Pareto-optimal sets are sparse, i.e., with many decision variables equal to zero. To address this issue, this article proposes an enhanced competitive swarm optimization algorithm assisted by a strongly convex sparse operator (SCSparse). A tricompetition mechanism is introduced into competitive swarm optimization, aiming to strike a better balance between exploration and exploitation. In addition, the SCSparse is embedded in the position updating of the particles to generate sparse solutions. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both sparse test problems and application examples.

An Evolutionary Multiobjective Knee-Based Lower Upper Bound Estimation Method for Wind Speed Interval Forecast

Due to the high variability and uncertainty of the wind speed, an interval forecast can provide more information for decision makers to achieve a better energy management compared to the traditional point forecast. In this article, a knee-based lower u…

Due to the high variability and uncertainty of the wind speed, an interval forecast can provide more information for decision makers to achieve a better energy management compared to the traditional point forecast. In this article, a knee-based lower upper bound estimation method (K-LUBE) is proposed to construct wind speed prediction intervals (PIs). First, we analyze the underlying limitations of traditional direct interval forecast methods, i.e., their obtained PIs often fail to achieve a good balance between the interval width and the coverage probability. K-LUBE resolves the difficulty based on a multiobjective optimization framework in conjunction with a knee selection criterion. Specifically, a PI-NSGA-II multiobjective optimization algorithm is designed to obtain a set of Pareto-optimal solutions. A parameter transfer and a sample training strategies are developed to significantly improve the convergence speed of the optimization procedure. Then, the knee selection criterion is introduced to select the best tradeoff solution among the obtained solutions. In comparison with traditional methods, this method can always provide a reliable PI for decision makers. The procedure is automatic and requires no parameter to be specified in advance, making it more practical for use. The effectiveness of the proposed K-LUBE method is demonstrated through extensive comparisons with four traditional direct interval forecast methods and four classical benchmark models.

A Diversity-Enhanced Subset Selection Framework for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization

Multimodality is commonly seen in real-world multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). In such optimization problems, namely, multimodal MOPs (MMOPs), multiple decision vectors can be projected to the same solution in the objective space (i.e., ther…

Multimodality is commonly seen in real-world multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). In such optimization problems, namely, multimodal MOPs (MMOPs), multiple decision vectors can be projected to the same solution in the objective space (i.e., there are multiple implementations corresponding to that solution). Therefore, the diversity in the decision space is very important for the decision maker when tackling MMOPs. Subset selection methods have been widely used in the field of evolutionary multiobjective optimization for selecting well-distributed solutions (in the objective space) to be presented to the decision maker. However, since most subset selection methods do not consider the diversity of solutions in the decision space, they are not suitable for MMOPs. In this article, we aim to clearly demonstrate the usefulness of subset selection for multimodal multiobjective optimization. We propose a novel subset selection framework that can be easily integrated into existing multimodal multiobjective optimization algorithms. By selecting a prespecified number of solutions with good diversity in both the objective and decision spaces from all the examined solutions, the proposed framework significantly improves the performance of state-of-the-art multimodal multiobjective optimization algorithms on various test problems.

A Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Feature Selection Algorithm With Parallel Random Grouping for High-Dimensional Classification

Various evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been proposed to address feature selection (FS) problems, in which a large number of fitness evaluations are needed. With the rapid growth of data scales, the fitness evaluation becomes time consuming, which m…

Various evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been proposed to address feature selection (FS) problems, in which a large number of fitness evaluations are needed. With the rapid growth of data scales, the fitness evaluation becomes time consuming, which makes FS problems expensive optimization problems. Surrogate-assisted EAs (SAEAs) have been widely used to solve expensive optimization problems. However, the SAEAs still face difficulties in solving expensive FS problems due to their high-dimensional discrete decision variables. To address this issue, we propose an SAEA with parallel random grouping for expensive FS problems, in which three main components consist. First, a constraint-based sampling strategy is proposed, which considers the influence of the constraint boundary and the number of selected features. Second, a high-dimensional FS problem is randomly divided into several low-dimensional subproblems. Surrogate models are then constructed in these low-dimensional decision spaces. After that, all the subproblems are optimized in parallel. The process of random grouping and parallel optimization continues until the termination condition is met. Finally, a final solution is chosen from the best solution in the historical search and the best solution in the last population using a random, distance-, or voting-based method. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm generally outperforms traditional, ensemble, and evolutionary FS methods on 14 datasets with up to 10 000 features, especially when the required number of real fitness evaluations is limited.

Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Validation of the Conical Area Evolutionary Algorithm for Bi-Objective Optimization

Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (EAs) based on decomposition are becoming successful and popular. Particularly, a conical area EA (CAEA) was developed to heighten the convergence and population diversity of decomposition-based algorithms for bi-…

Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (EAs) based on decomposition are becoming successful and popular. Particularly, a conical area EA (CAEA) was developed to heighten the convergence and population diversity of decomposition-based algorithms for bi-objective optimization by employing a cone decomposition approach. The global Pareto optimality of cone decomposition was proved. It means that the optimum of every conical subproblem of the cone decomposition approach is Pareto optimal in the entire bi-objective space in the presence of a continuous frontier segment within its associated subregion. In this article, based on the global Pareto optimality, we further reveal that the cone decomposition approach also has a desired ability of $mu $ -distribution convergence for bi-objective optimization. We first prove by the monotonicity and additivity of the Lebesgue measure and the squeeze theorem for limits that the hypervolume of the optimal solutions of all $mu $ subproblems of the cone decomposition approach is infinitely close to that of the optimal $mu $ -distribution for large enough $mu $ in the presence of a continuous frontier. Meanwhile, the original CAEA is further improved to better approximate the optimal solutions of conical subproblems. The experimental results on bi-objective benchmark problems show that the improved CAEA achieves higher qualities of frontiers and better $mu $ -distribution convergence in the terms of hypervolume error compared with six other popular multiobjective algorithms.

EDA++: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms With Feasibility Conserving Mechanisms for Constrained Continuous Optimization

Handling nonlinear constraints in continuous optimization is challenging, and finding a feasible solution is usually a difficult task. In the past few decades, various techniques have been developed to deal with linear and nonlinear constraints. Howeve…

Handling nonlinear constraints in continuous optimization is challenging, and finding a feasible solution is usually a difficult task. In the past few decades, various techniques have been developed to deal with linear and nonlinear constraints. However, reaching feasible solutions has been a challenging task for most of these methods. In this article, we adopt the framework of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) and propose a new algorithm (EDA++) equipped with some mechanisms to deal with nonlinear constraints. These mechanisms are associated with different stages of the EDA, including seeding, learning, and mapping. It is shown that, besides increasing the quality of the solutions in terms of objective values, the feasibility of the final solutions is guaranteed if an initial population of feasible solutions is seeded to the algorithm. The EDA with the proposed mechanisms is applied to two suites of benchmark problems for constrained continuous optimization and its performance is compared with some state-of-the-art algorithms and constraint-handling methods. Conducted experiments confirm the speed, robustness, and efficiency of the proposed algorithm in tackling various problems with linear and nonlinear constraints.

Multi-SANA: Comparing Measures of Topological Similarity for Multiple Network Alignment

All life on Earth is related, so that some molecular interactions are common across almost all living cells, with the number of common interactions increasing as we look at more closely related species. In particular, we expect the protein–prote…

All life on Earth is related, so that some molecular interactions are common across almost all living cells, with the number of common interactions increasing as we look at more closely related species. In particular, we expect the protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks of closely related species to share high levels of similarity. This similarity may facilitate the transfer of functional knowledge between model species and human. Multiple network alignment is the process of uncovering the connection similarity between three or more networks simultaneously. Existing algorithms for multiple network alignment rely on sequence similarities to help drive the alignments, and no comprehensive study has been done to determine the most effective ways to utilize network connectivity—network topology—to drive multiple network alignment. Here, we devise and empirically test the efficacy of several measures of topological similarity between three or more networks. To evolve the alignments toward optimal, we use simulated annealing as the search algorithm since it is agnostic to the objective being optimized. We test the measures both on the partially synthetic and highly similar PPI networks from the integrated interaction database, as well as on real PPI networks from a recent BioGRID release.

Enhancing 3-D Land Seismic Data Using Nonlinear Beamforming Based on the Efficiency-Improved Genetic Algorithm

Seismic data acquired in a desert environment often have a low signal-to-noise ratio, posing a significant challenge to seismic processing, imaging, and inversion. Nonlinear beamforming is one effective method that uses local second-order mathematical …

Seismic data acquired in a desert environment often have a low signal-to-noise ratio, posing a significant challenge to seismic processing, imaging, and inversion. Nonlinear beamforming is one effective method that uses local second-order mathematical operators to describe seismic events and then enhance them. However, estimating the operator coefficients from input data is a nonlinear and compute-intensive optimization problem. We propose a new method for this estimation based on a recently developed efficiency-improved genetic algorithm. We demonstrate that it delivers an excellent balance between improved data quality and computational efficiency. We also introduce a “spatial consistency” feature to further speed up the algorithm by using available nonlinear-beamforming operators as initial trial solutions for the neighboring data ensembles. These findings are supported by applying the new approach to land seismic datasets from the desert environment.

Quality-Diversity Meta-Evolution: Customizing Behavior Spaces to a Meta-Objective

Quality-diversity (QD) algorithms evolve behaviorally diverse and high-performing solutions. To illuminate the elite solutions for a space of behaviors, QD algorithms require the definition of a suitable behavior space. If the behavior space is high-di…

Quality-diversity (QD) algorithms evolve behaviorally diverse and high-performing solutions. To illuminate the elite solutions for a space of behaviors, QD algorithms require the definition of a suitable behavior space. If the behavior space is high-dimensional, a suitable dimensionality reduction technique is required to maintain a limited number of behavioral niches. While current methodologies for automated behavior spaces focus on changing the geometry of the behavior space or on unsupervised learning of its key features, there remains a need for customizing behavioral diversity to a particular meta-objective specified by the end user. In the newly emerging framework of QD Meta-Evolution, or QD-Meta for short, one evolves a population of QD algorithms, each with different algorithmic and representational characteristics, to optimize the algorithms and their resulting archives to a user-defined meta-objective. Despite promising results compared to traditional QD algorithms, QD-Meta has yet to be compared to state-of-the-art behavior space automation methods, such as centroidal voronoi tessellations multidimensional archive of phenotypic elites (CVT-MAP-Elites) and autonomous robots realizing their abilities (AURORAs). This article performs an empirical study of QD-Meta on function optimization and multilegged robot locomotion benchmarks. Results demonstrate that QD-Meta archives provide improved average performance and faster adaptation to a priori unknown changes to the environment when compared to CVT-MAP-Elites and AURORA. A qualitative analysis shows how the resulting archives are tailored to the meta-objectives provided by the end user.