Uday Chakraborty on flow-shop scheduling

Later today Uday Chakraborty is giving a talk on flow-shop scheduling as part of the weekly colloquium series at our department. The talk will be given at 4:00pm in room 320 CCB at UMSL. The abstract follows:

The flow shop scheduling problem, or the problem of assignment of times to a set of jobs for processing […]

Later today Uday Chakraborty is giving a talk on flow-shop scheduling as part of the weekly colloquium series at our department. The talk will be given at 4:00pm in room 320 CCB at UMSL. The abstract follows:

The flow shop scheduling problem, or the problem of assignment of times to a set of jobs for processing through a series of machines, is NP-complete and has long received the attention of researchers in operations research, engineering, and computer science. Over the past several years, there has been a spurt of interest in “intelligent” heuristics and metaheuristics for solving this problem — ranging from genetic algorithms to tabu search to complex hybrid techniques. This talk discusses some of the newest approaches to this problem, their shortcomings, and directions for future research.

Genetic algorithms rediscover laws of physics

Over the last few decades, it has been shown that GAs (and derivate methods such as GPs) are able to solve complex real-world problems and rediscover engineering and scientific findings which were originally deduced after many years of investigation. Recently, Hod Lipson and Michael Schmidt have provided the scientific community with another cool […]

Over the last few decades, it has been shown that GAs (and derivate methods such as GPs) are able to solve complex real-world problems and rediscover engineering and scientific findings which were originally deduced after many years of investigation. Recently, Hod Lipson and Michael Schmidt have provided the scientific community with another cool application of GAs. In this case, Lipson and Smith designed a system that was able to extrapolate the laws of motion from pendulum’s swings.

The program starts with a set of data that describes the pendulum’s swings. Then, the program first creates random combinations of basic mathematical processes such as addition, substraction, multiplication, division, and a few more algebraic operators. Therefore, each individual forms an equation that explains the data. Then, the population of individuals is evolved by the typical genetic operators. This approach resulted in equations that are very similar to the law of conservation of momentum and Newton’s law of motion.

The paper associated to this research has been recently published in Science.

IWLCS 2009 warming up

The Twelfth International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS 2009) will be held in Montreal, Canada, Thursday, July 9, 2008 during the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2009), July 8-12, 2009.

Originally, Learning Classifier Systems (LCSs) were introduced by John H. Holland as a way of applying evolutionary computation to machine learning and adaptive behavior problems. Since then, the LCS paradigm has broadened greatly into a framework that encompasses many representations, rule discovery mechanisms, and credit assignment schemes. Current LCS applications range from data mining, to automated innovation and the on-line control of cognitive systems. LCS research includes various actual system approaches: While Wilson’s accuracy-based XCS system (1995) has received the highest attention and gained the highest reputation, studies and developments of other LCSs are usually discussed and contrasted. Advances in machine learning, and reinforcement learning in particular, as well as in evolutionary computation have brought LCS systems the necessary competence and guaranteed learning properties. Novel insights in machine learning and evolutionary computation are being integrated into the LCS framework. Thus, we invite submissions that discuss recent developments in all areas of research on, and applications of, Learning Classifier Systems. IWLCS is the event that brings together most of the core researchers in classifier systems. Moreover, a free introductory tutorial on LCSs is presented the day before the workshop at GECCO 2009. Tutorial and IWLCS workshop thus also provide an opportunity for researchers interested in LCSs to get an impression of the current research directions in the field as well as a guideline for the application of LCSs to their problem domain.

More information can be found in the original call for papers.

Deadline extended for special issue on Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining

The deadline for the special issue on Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining to be published by Springer’s Memetic Computing Journal has been extended till May 31, 2009. More information can be found in this post at LCS & GBML Central.

Related posts:[BDCSG2008] Algorithmic Perspectives on Large-Scale Social Network Data (Jon Kleinberg)Special issue on chance discovery […]

Related posts:

  1. [BDCSG2008] Algorithmic Perspectives on Large-Scale Social Network Data (Jon Kleinberg)
  2. Special issue on chance discovery (I)
  3. GECCO 2009 paper submission deadline extended till January 28

The deadline for the special issue on Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining to be published by Springer’s Memetic Computing Journal has been extended till May 31, 2009. More information can be found in this post at LCS & GBML Central.

Related posts:

  1. [BDCSG2008] Algorithmic Perspectives on Large-Scale Social Network Data (Jon Kleinberg)
  2. Special issue on chance discovery (I)
  3. GECCO 2009 paper submission deadline extended till January 28

Memetic Computing Journal special issue on Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining – Extended Deadline

Aim and Scope

Data mining and knowledge discovery are crucial techniques across many scientific disciplines. Recent developments such as the Genome Project (and its successors) or the construction of the Large Hadron Collider have provided the scientific community with vast amounts of data. Metaheuristics and other evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to a large variety of data mining tasks. Competitive metaheuristic approaches are able to deal with rule, tree and prototype induction, neural networks synthesis, fuzzy logic learning, and kernel machines–to mention but a few. Moreover, the inherent parallel nature of some metaheuristics (e.g. evolutionary approaches, particle swarms, ant colonies, etc) makes them perfect candidates for approaching very large-scale data mining problems.

Although a number of recent techniques have applied these methods to complex data mining domains, we are still far from having a deep and principled understanding of how to scale them to datasets of terascale, petascale or even larger scale. In order to achieve and maintain a relevant role in large scale data mining, metaheuristics need, among other features, to have the capacity of processing vast amounts of data in a reasonable time frame, to use efficiently the unprecedented computer power available nowadays due to advances in high performance computing and to produce when possible- human understandable outputs.

Several research topics impinge on the applicability of metaheuristics for data mining techniques: (1) proper scalable learning paradigms and knowledge representations, (2) better understanding of the relationship between the learning paradigms/representations and the nature of the problems to be solved, (3) efficiency enhancement techniques, and (4) visualization tools that expose as much insight as possible to the domain experts based on the learned knowledge.

We would like to invite researchers to submit contributions on the area of large-scale data mining using metaheuristics. Potentially viable research themes are:

  • Learning paradigms based on metaheuristics, evolutionary algorithms, learning classifier systems, particle swarm, ant colonies, tabu search, simulated annealing, etc
  • Hybridization with other kinds of machine learning techniques including exact and approximation algorithms
  • Knowledge representations for large-scale data mining
  • Advanced techniques for enhanced prediction (classification, regression/function approximation, clustering, etc.) when dealing with large data sets
  • Efficiency enhancement techniques
  • Parallelization techniques
  • Hardware acceleration techniques (vectorial instuctions, GPUs, etc.)
  • Theoretical models of the scalability limits of the learning paradigms/representations
  • Principled methodologies for experiment design (choosing methods, adjusting parameters, etc.)
  • Explanatory power and visualization of generated solutions
  • Data complexity analysis and measures
  • Ensemble methods
  • Online data mining and data streams
  • Examples of real-world successful applications

Instructions for authors

Papers should have approximately 20 pages (but certainly not more than 24 pages). The papers must follow the format of the Memetic Computing journal:

Papers should be submitted following the Memetic Computing journal guidelines. When submitting the paper please select this special issue as the article type.

Important dates

  • Manuscript submission: May 31st, 2009
  • Notification of acceptance: July 31st, 2009
  • Submission of camera-ready version: Sep 30th, 2009

Guest editors:

Jaume Bacardit
School of Computer Science and School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham

Xavier Llorà
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Meandre overview slides

On May 26th I gave a seminar about Meandre’s basics at the Computer Science department at University of Illinois . The talk was part of the Cloud Computing Seminars. I merged together slides I have been using to talk about Meandre, and tried to give it an easy to grasp overview flavor. You view […]

Related posts:

  1. An Overview of the DISCUS project
  2. Meandre: Semantic-Driven Data-Intensive Flows in the Clouds
  3. Meandre 1.4.0 released, 1.4.1 coming short after

On May 26th I gave a seminar about Meandre’s basics at the Computer Science department at University of Illinois . The talk was part of the Cloud Computing Seminars. I merged together slides I have been using to talk about Meandre, and tried to give it an easy to grasp overview flavor. You view them below, or you can also download them here.

Related posts:

  1. An Overview of the DISCUS project
  2. Meandre: Semantic-Driven Data-Intensive Flows in the Clouds
  3. Meandre 1.4.0 released, 1.4.1 coming short after

Squeezing for cycles

Sometimes thinking a bit helps to rush decisions that may lead to weird places. Today I was going over a simple genetic algorithm for numeric optimization written in C. The code is nothing special, tournament selection without replacement, SBX crossover operator, and polynomial mutation. To the point, I was running a simple OneMax-like problem (in […]

Related posts:

  1. Evaluation consistency in iGAs: User contradictions as cycles in partial-ordering graphs
  2. A simple and flexible GA loop in Python
  3. Fast mutation implementation for genetic algorithms in Python

Sometimes thinking a bit helps to rush decisions that may lead to weird places. Today I was going over a simple genetic algorithm for numeric optimization written in C. The code is nothing special, tournament selection without replacement, SBX crossover operator, and polynomial mutation. To the point, I was running a simple OneMax-like problem (in this case, minimize the value of the sum of all the genes), and I was quite surprised the guy was taking so long for.

$time ./GATest
----------------------- GA parameters ------------------------------------
Seed: 69
Lower/upper bounds: [1.000000,0.000000]
Genes: 18
Population size: 2000
Iterations: 30
Tournament size: 6
Crossover: pc=0.900000, gwp=0.500000, etaC=10.000000
Mutation: pm=0.100000, etaM=20.000000
----------------------- Evolution Statistics -----------------------------
4.663210	8.974190	13.158102
3.351912	7.405489	11.619360
2.285005	5.375426	9.531691
1.326318	3.711156	7.178203
0.767981	2.432192	4.790854
0.392001	1.543097	3.223604
0.279961	0.977706	2.308249
0.173406	0.600002	1.335702
0.092746	0.359343	0.877080
0.044705	0.216218	0.533978
0.029053	0.130256	0.315306
0.022827	0.078331	0.172908
0.013641	0.047317	0.105886
0.007370	0.028098	0.066994
0.004320	0.016787	0.038499
0.002807	0.010254	0.025155
0.001604	0.006238	0.014528
0.001007	0.003799	0.008883
0.000708	0.002212	0.005627
0.000343	0.001305	0.003263
0.000211	0.000781	0.002025
0.000131	0.000468	0.001155
0.000085	0.000280	0.000774
0.000054	0.000168	0.000392
0.000031	0.000100	0.000243
0.000017	0.000061	0.000144
0.000010	0.000037	0.000083
0.000006	0.000022	0.000054
0.000003	0.000013	0.000035
0.000002	0.000008	0.000020
0.000002	0.000005	0.000011
----------------------- Final outcome ------------------------------------
Min:	(0.000002)	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000
Max:	(0.000011)	0.000000	0.000001	0.000000	0.000000.000001	0.000000	0.000000	0.000001	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000003	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000002	0.000001

real	0m6.748s
user	0m6.228s
sys	0m0.088s

Yup, after turning on all the possible compiler optimizations I could think of, 6.7 seconds was the best I could do on a first generation MacBook Pro. I was wondering if I should spend the time writing a simple multithreaded evaluation. As I said, before making something simple complicated, I decided to put grab Shark (Mac’s free profiler) and get a better picture of what was going. Oh boy! Intuition looking at the wrong place! The outcome: 45% of time spend on tournament selection and 31% generating random number. Mmh, digging a bit further almost all time of tournament selection was spent shuffling an array to guarantee tournaments without replacements.

/** Runs tournament selection without replacement to create a new population
 * popDest: The destination population
 * popInit: The original population
 * fita: The fitness of the initial populaiton
 * iSize: Tournament size
 * iIndividuals: The population size
 * iGenes: The number of genes of an individual
void ga_tournament_selection ( Population popDest, Population popInit, Fitness * fita, int iSize, int iIndividuals , int iGenes )
	int piaShuffle[iSize];
	int i = -1;
	int j = -1;
	int iIndTmp = -1;
	int iIndWin = -1;
	Fitness fitWin = DBL_MAX;
	Fitness fitTmp = DBL_MAX;
	for ( i=0 ; i<iIndividuals ; i++ ) {
		/* Initialization for the current tournament */
		fitWin  = DBL_MAX;
		iIndWin = -1;
		genrand_shuffle (piaShuffle,iIndividuals);
		for ( j=0 ; j<iSize ; j++ ) {
			// A new randomly drawn individual
			iIndTmp = piaShuffle[j];
			fitTmp  = fita[piaShuffle[j]];
			// If it is the first is the winner
			if ( iIndWin==-1 ) {
				iIndWin  = iIndTmp;
				fitWin = fitTmp;
			// If not, chack the fitness (Minimize)
			else if ( fitWin>fitTmp ) {
				iIndWin  = iIndTmp;
				fitWin = fitTmp;

It was genrand_shuffle (see below) the one that took most of the time. Also if you take a close inspection you will see that it is also the one to blame for calling calling too many times genrand_int31.

void genrand_shuffle ( int * pia, int iSize )
	int i, iOther;
	register int iTmp;
	int iRndMax = iSize-1;
	// Initialize
	for( i=0; i<iSize; i++ ) pia[i] = i;
	// shuffle
	for( i=0; i<iRndMax; i++ ) {
	    iOther = genrand_int31()%iSize;
	    iTmp = pia[iOther];
	    pia[iOther] = pia[i];
	    pia[i] = iTmp;

This inherited implementation of tournament selection works well for small populations, but as you increase the population size, each tournament requires shuffling a number proportional to the population size. If you make the numbers, that leads to a quadratic implementation of tournament selection without replacement. Mmh, really needed? Definitely not. The only thing you need to guarantee to provide a tournament selection without replacement is that you provide different individuals for the tournaments (avoiding repetition). If that selection can be done quickly, you can take the complexity of the implementation down to linear. So there I went, and modified the shuffling function as follows.

void genrand_shuffle_fast ( int * pia, int iSize, int iSlots )
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	pia[i++] = genrand_int31()%iSize;
	while ( i<iSlots ) {
		pia[i] = genrand_int31()%iSize;
		for ( j=i-1 ; j>=0 && j<i ; j++ )
			if ( pia[j]==pia[i] )
		if ( j==i ) i++ ;

Tournaments sizes are usually much much smaller than population sizes (e.g. s=6 for the pop_size=2,000 individuals population used above). Thus, if random numbers are generated, the chances of repeating it are quite small. Also if you also make sure it is not there (and if it is, you generate a new out), basically your are set. (This implementation will only work efficiently if s<<pop_size, otherwise the cost of checking and generated new numbers will be even worst than the original version).

So there I went. I modified the original inherited version of the tournament selection without replacement, and rerun the simple time measures.

$ time ./GATest
----------------------- GA parameters ------------------------------------
Seed: 69
Lower/upper bounds: [1.000000,0.000000]
Genes: 18
Population size: 2000
Iterations: 30
Tournament size: 6
Crossover: pc=0.900000, gwp=0.500000, etaC=10.000000
Mutation: pm=0.100000, etaM=20.000000
----------------------- Evolution Statistics -----------------------------
4.663210	8.974190	13.158102
3.350933	7.401935	11.503243
1.964580	5.461794	9.246779
1.297656	3.819533	7.364562
0.810695	2.512797	5.142622
0.478789	1.603199	3.652348
0.305106	0.999304	2.138109
0.191904	0.602315	1.336870
0.108593	0.361237	0.869652
0.060862	0.219145	0.502403
0.040076	0.136125	0.307478
0.028629	0.084893	0.191327
0.016301	0.052274	0.115169
0.009433	0.032699	0.071849
0.003934	0.020275	0.047970
0.002762	0.012328	0.031204
0.001405	0.007259	0.019575
0.001043	0.004280	0.010909
0.000790	0.002550	0.005799
0.000404	0.001530	0.003566
0.000287	0.000950	0.002406
0.000198	0.000600	0.001390
0.000127	0.000386	0.000818
0.000068	0.000245	0.000599
0.000045	0.000153	0.000377
0.000026	0.000093	0.000206
0.000020	0.000058	0.000125
0.000011	0.000035	0.000095
0.000007	0.000022	0.000049
0.000004	0.000014	0.000029
0.000002	0.000009	0.000018
----------------------- Final outcome ------------------------------------
Min:	(0.000002)	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000
Max:	(0.000018)	0.000001	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000.000000	0.000000	0.000001	0.000001	0.000000	0.000000.000004	0.000000	0.000001	0.000001	0.000002	0.000000.000001	0.000001

real	0m0.258s
user	0m0.246s
sys	0m0.006s

Yup. That simple change yielded a speedup of 26.15. Mmh, as I said, a little bit of thinking helped to avoid going down some crazy path in a rushing code fever for the wrong reasons. Yup, the threading will be very useful if the cost of the evaluation is expensive (as most of the real world optimization are), but for this silly OneMax, no need to make it more complicated than it need ;)

Related posts:

  1. Evaluation consistency in iGAs: User contradictions as cycles in partial-ordering graphs
  2. A simple and flexible GA loop in Python
  3. Fast mutation implementation for genetic algorithms in Python

Website for The Art of Artificial Evolution

A nice website has been set up for The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music, a book edited by Juan Romero and Penousal Machado that was reviewed by Jeroen Eggermont in GPEM 10(1).

A nice website has been set up for The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music, a book edited by Juan Romero and Penousal Machado that was reviewed by Jeroen Eggermont in GPEM 10(1).


EoTF2.0: An Open, Grassroots Summit on the Future of Engineering, Engineers, and Engineering Education (31 March – 1 April 2009), Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, Massachusetts, USA
Olin in action: the workshop also included a visit to Olin. I particularly enjoyed the engagement of professors and staff, the high motivation of students, the […]

EoTF2.0: An Open, Grassroots Summit on the Future of Engineering, Engineers, and Engineering Education (31 March – 1 April 2009), Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, Massachusetts, USA

Olin classroom Olin in action: the workshop also included a visit to Olin. I particularly enjoyed the engagement of professors and staff, the high motivation of students, the curriculum design, and the flexible classrooms. See the picture: there is active learning happening.