Abstract In this work a cooperative, bid-based, model for problem decomposition is proposed with application to discrete action domains
such as classification. This represents a significant departure from models where each individual constructs a direct input-outcome
map, for example, from the set of exemplars to the set of class labels as is typical under the classification domain. In contrast,
the proposed model focuses on learning a bidding strategy based on the exemplar feature vectors; each individual is associated
with a single discrete action and the individual with the maximum bid ‘wins’ the right to suggest its action. Thus, the number
of individuals associated with each action is a function of the intra-action bidding behaviour. Credit assignment is designed
to reward correct but unique bidding strategies relative to the target actions. An advantage of the model over other teaming
methods is its ability to
automatically determine the number of and interaction between cooperative team members. The resulting model shares several traits with
learning classifier systems and as such both approaches are benchmarked on nine large classification problems. Moreover, both
of the evolutionary models are compared against the deterministic Support Vector Machine classification algorithm. Performance
assessment considers the computational, classification, and complexity characteristics of the resulting solutions. The bid-based
model is found to provide simple yet effective solutions that are robust to wide variations in the class representation. Support
Vector Machines and classifier systems tend to perform better under balanced datasets albeit resulting in black-box solutions.