A very good website for the students of videogame design and programming
The LCS and GBML community stop
A very good website for the students of videogame design and programming
A very good website for the students of videogame design and programming
indievault has a post about the winners of the IndieCade 2010. Gameplay Innovation Award – Continuity (Ragtime Games) Technological Innovation Award – Miegakure (Marc ten Bosch) Sound Award – Limbo (PlayDead) World and Story Award – Games of Nonchalance (Nonchalance) Documentary Award – The Cat and the Coup (Peter Brinson) Aesthetics Award – Spirits (Spaces […]
indievault has a post about the winners of the IndieCade 2010.
The preliminary course schedule with the due assignments is now available here.
The preliminary course schedule with the due assignments is now available here.
Bitalizer is a visualization system that highlights the repetitive structure of digital bit sequences.
Bitalizer is a visualization system that highlights the repetitive structure of digital bit sequences.