Who are your most important co-authors?

DBLPVis is a service provided by the University of Trier, based on the data gathered in the DBLP project, which allows you to search large amount of data for connections between conferences, persons and words. It allows you to search for the most important co-authors and the most significant streams.
The service is available at http://dblpvis.uni-trier.de/

DBLPVis is a service provided by the University of Trier, based on the data gathered in the DBLP project, which allows you to search large amount of data for connections between conferences, persons and words. It allows you to search for the most important co-authors and the most significant streams.

The service is available at http://dblpvis.uni-trier.de/

Who are your most important co-authors? And what the streams?

DBLPVis is a service provided by the University of Trier, based on the data gathered in the DBLP project, which allows you to search large amount of data for connections between conferences, persons and words. It allows you to search for the most important co-authors and the most significant streams.
The service is available at http://dblpvis.uni-trier.de/
Related […]

DBLPVis is a service provided by the University of Trier, based on the data gathered in the DBLP project, which allows you to search large amount of data for connections between conferences, persons and words. It allows you to search for the most important co-authors and the most significant streams.

The service is available at http://dblpvis.uni-trier.de/

CEC-2009 – Simulated Car Racing Competition

We are pleased to announce the official start of the CEC-2009
Simulated Car Racing Competition with the publication of the
competition rules and the availability of the competition software.
Leaflet: http://tinyurl.com/scrcec2009
The competition goal is the design of a controller for a racing car
that will compete on a set of unknown tracks first alone (against the
clock) and […]

We are pleased to announce the official start of the CEC-2009
Simulated Car Racing Competition with the publication of the
competition rules and the availability of the competition software.

Leaflet: http://tinyurl.com/scrcec2009

The competition goal is the design of a controller for a racing car
that will compete on a set of unknown tracks first alone (against the
clock) and then against other drivers. The controllers perceive the
racing environment through a number of sensors that describe the
relevant features of the car surroundings (e.g., the track limits, the
position of near-by obstacles), of the car state (the fuel level, the
engine RPMs, the current gear, etc.), and the current game state (lap
time, number of lap, etc.). The controller can perform the typical
driving actions (changing gear, accelerate, break, steering the wheel,

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: May 8th 2009
  • Conference: May 18th-21st 2009

Competition Software

The competition software, including the servers for Linux & Windows,
the C++ and Java clients, can be downloaded from the competition webpage:


For inquiries send an email to championship2009@ieee-cig.org or visit
the Car Racing Google Group at



  • Daniele Loiacono (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Julian Togelius (IDSIA)
  • Pier Luca Lanzi (Politecnico di Milano)

Simulated Car Racing @ GECCO-2009

The Simulated Car Racing competition of GECCO-2009 officially has started with the publication of the competition rules and regulations for the first contest, titled Learning to Drive, and the availability of the competition software.
There is a nice leaflet here
Further information are available at the competition webpage:

Related Posts

The Simulated Car Racing competition of GECCO-2009 officially has started with the publication of the competition rules and regulations for the first contest, titled Learning to Drive, and the availability of the competition software.

There is a nice leaflet here

Further information are available at the competition webpage:


SIGEVOlution Volume 3, Issue 2, Now Available!

The new issue of SIGEVOlution is now available for you to download from:
The issue features:

Solving Complex Problems in Human Genetics Using GP
by Casey S. Greene and Jason H. Moore
A Camera Obscura for Ants by Carlos M. Fernandes
GEVA: Grammatical Evolution in Java by Michael O’Neill et. al.
Events Reports: ICSE-2008
Forthcoming papers
Calls & […]

The new issue of SIGEVOlution is now available for you to download from:


The issue features:

  • Solving Complex Problems in Human Genetics Using GP
    by Casey S. Greene and Jason H. Moore
  • A Camera Obscura for Ants by Carlos M. Fernandes
  • GEVA: Grammatical Evolution in Java by Michael O’Neill et. al.
  • Events Reports: ICSE-2008
  • Forthcoming papers
  • Calls & calendar

The newsletter is intended to be viewed electronically.

Pier Luca Lanzi (EIC)