as Zen Puzzle Garden (ZPG). We describe the game in detail, before presenting a suitable encoding scheme and fitness function
for candidate solutions. By constructing a simulator for the game, we compare the performance of the GA with that of the A*
algorithm. We show that the GA is competitive with informed search in terms of solution quality, and significantly out-performs
it in terms of computational resource requirements. By highlighting relevant features of the game we hope to stimulate further
work on its study, and we conclude by presenting several possible areas for future research.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-7
- DOI 10.1007/s11047-011-9284-7
- Authors
- Martyn Amos, School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M1 5GD UK
- Jack Coldridge, School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M1 5GD UK
- Journal Natural Computing
- Online ISSN 1572-9796
- Print ISSN 1567-7818