8a Diada de les Telecomunicacions a Catalunya

The 8th Telecommunications Summit of Catalunya was held on September 29th, 2009 and organized by the Col.legi Oficial d’Enginyers Tècnics de Telecomunicacions.
The discussion panel “Les noves titulacions TIC i la seva adaptació al mercat laboral” (The new Bologna ICT degrees and their adaptation to the labour market) was moderated by Ramon Ollé, executive […]

Diada de les telecomunicacions a Catalunya The 8th Telecommunications Summit of Catalunya was held on September 29th, 2009 and organized by the Col.legi Oficial d’Enginyers Tècnics de Telecomunicacions.

The discussion panel “Les noves titulacions TIC i la seva adaptació al mercat laboral” (The new Bologna ICT degrees and their adaptation to the labour market) was moderated by Ramon Ollé, executive president of BES La Salle. My participation arose the doubt about whether the Bologna process and their new degrees suppose a real change to engineering education. And the answer is: “not necessarily. More efforts should be made to transform engineering education.”